About Me


Graphic Designer

I am a Graphic Designer, a visual communicator. I create visual concepts by hand or by using computer software. I communicate ideas to inspire, inform, or captivate my clients through both physical and virtual art forms that include images, words, or graphics.



  1. I like to watch TV series on Netflix.
  2. 對我而言,追劇不僅是單單的娛樂,更是學習的好時機。我習慣記錄每部劇的經典台詞、地名及文化,藉此學習地理環境、歷史背景。

  1. I like to read comic books on Webtoon.
  2. Webtoon,是Web + Cartoon的縮寫。特色以垂直滾動格式(垂直閱讀樣式)和飽滿的色彩;身為電繪新手的我,喜歡收藏賞心悅目地原創漫畫,進而學習如何分鏡、構圖、上色。

  1. I like to learn cooking by following instructions from recipes.
  2. 從採購食材、備料、料理製作,最後小心翼翼的將熱騰騰的食物起鍋裝盤,看著家人細細咀嚼,滿足的表情,烹飪的外部效益比我們想像的還要強大。烹飪心理學:能為自己準備食物,是件很療癒的事。

Bucket List

I have so many things on my bucket list yet to do.

  1. Get a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
  1. Get a level B technician for beauty certification.
  1. Go to graduate school.
  1. Job hunting.